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Scientists are aiming to make India a missile proof country

Inspired from Archimedes heat ray,Indian scientists are working on the smartest military weapon of the 21st century.This weapon is namedafter Hindu goddess KALI and scientifically KALI
stands for ‘Kilo Ampere Linear Injector’.
This missile technology sets India to be a missile-proof country where no uninvited missiles could dare to touch Indian soil.This weapon is designed to work in such a way that if an enemy missile
is launched in Indian direction, it will quickly emit powerful pulses of Relativistic Electrons Beams (REB) and destroy the target in no time.Scientists say that KALI is far deadlier than so-called laser

weapons as it emits ahigh-power microwaves to destroy incoming aircrafts and missiles.It is believed that India had already conducted a successful test of the first phase of the KALI in 2012 when the world is dreaming to have such technology.
Scientists are aiming to make India a missile proof country Scientists are aiming to make India a missile proof country Reviewed by Arnab Banerjee on 8:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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