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ISRO successfully launches ASTROSAT

ISRO on 28th September,2015 successfully launched India's first astronomy satellite #Astrosat, eleven years after the government cleared the project.
A Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C30) carrying Astrosat and six other foreighn satellites lifted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota at 10am.In around 25 minutes after lift off,
PSLV-C30 injected Astrosat and other satellites -- four US nano satellites, a microsatellite from Indonesia a nanosatellite from Canada - into their respective orbits. This is the first time India is launching a US satellite.
Astrosat was placed in an orbit 644.651km from earth, as desired. The satellite achieved an expected inclination of 6.002 degree.Congratulation to ISRO scientists & techinitians for this success. [Picture courtsey:-ISRO]

ISRO successfully launches ASTROSAT ISRO successfully launches ASTROSAT Reviewed by Arnab Banerjee on 3:30:00 AM Rating: 5

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